
Webinar Recording

Functional Inkjet 101:
A Digital Solution for Industrial-Scale Manufacturing

In today's world, adopting modern and digital manufacturing methods is more crucial than ever. Inkjet technology stands out as a transformative innovation capable of revolutionizing traditional analog, labor-intensive, and wasteful manufacturing processes.

Inkjet's core strength lies in the ability to control the placement of individual droplets, offering new production freedom. Until now, this potential has been limited by the materials that could be used, but Quantica is changing that.

In this webinar, Quantica founder Ben Hartkopp dives into functional inkjet, revealing how Quantica’s advanced technology is capable of jetting high-viscosity materials unattainable until now, and what this means for the manufacturing industry. 

/ 30 min presentation + Q&A


See Contents 

What is Functional Inkjet

Functional Inkjet is a fully digital printing method that allow manufacturers to create detailed structures by depositing droplets of functional material onto various substrates. This technology combines  superior freedom of design with functional materials, offering an innovative solution to traditional analog and wasteful manufacturing processes.

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Quantica's Technology Explained

Quantica’s inkjet technology breaks the current material limitations of inkjet by jetting high-viscosity materials with high fill rates and large particle sizes. This breakthrough empowers manufacturers with new functional materials that possess properties such as toughness, rigidity, temperature resistance, conductivity, chemical resistance, UV resistance, and flexibility.

Quantica Intro Q3 2024

Applications & Solutions

High-viscosity, functional inkjet offers a digital solution suitable for a vast range of applications from 2 dimensions and beyond.
From printed electronics to industrial coatings and adhesives, Quantica equip manufacturers with the tools to digitalize and streamline production processes, reduce waste, and optimize their workforce.

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Empowering Inkjet R&D for Material Validation and Electronics Applications.

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In this webinar, Quantica PhD Shahzad Khan provides an overview of our technology, illustrating the potential of inkjet and showcasing its most promising electronic applications.

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